Ganja-la Chuli (Naya Kanga) Peak Climbing

Ganja-la Chuli (Naya Kanga) Peak Climbing
4,036 USDfor a group of 1-20 people
Walking tour
285-288 hours
The start time of the tour is agreed upon with the tour guide

No booking fees at the time of ordering a tour. The tour guide will receive a request for this tour and will contact you.

Description of the tour

Tour itinerary: Kathmandu

Ganja La Peak Climbing, also known as Naya Kanga Peak Climbing, is a beautiful and popular peak climbing adventure in Langtang region of the Himalaya. This adventure aims to summit a beautiful and 5,844 meters high Himalayan peak that boasts breathtaking views of the surrounding Himalayas. A wonderful and coveted peak in the Langtang region, Naya Kanga Peak is reached after exploring some awesome attractions in the Langtang valley. The culture, natural serenity and fascinating views along the trekking route towards the peak already make this trip beautiful. The summit adventure of the peak adds to the charm of trekking adventure that you take before the actual climbing adventure begins. Although the peak is lower than 6,000 meters, climbing this peak can be as adventurous as any other climbing peaks in Nepal. This truly gets you alpine climbing experience once you start climbing from the high camp. After crossing the short snowy ridge on the north-east side, you reach the summit of the peak to have spectacular views of mountains in Nepal and Tibet. Some of the mountains that the top brings to your view are Langtang Lirung, Shishapangma, Langshisha Ri, Pemthang Ri, Langtang II and many other peaks Itinerary Day 1; Drive from Kathmandu to Syabrubensi 1460m/6 hours by private vehicle Day 2; Trek from Syabrubensi to Lama Hotel 2410m/6 hours Day 3; Trek from Lama Hotel to Langtang Village 3330m/5 hours Day 4; Trek from Langtang Village to Kyanjin Gompa 3730m/3 hours Day 5; Acclimatization day, hike to Tserko Ri 4984m/7 hours Day 6; Trek from Kyanjin Gompa to Ngegang Kharka 4430m/5 hours Day 7; Trek from Ngegang Kharka to High Camp 4960m/4 hours Day 8; Climb to Summit 5863m and back to Ngegang Kharka 4430m/9 hours Day 9; Trek from Ngegang Kharka to Kyanjin Gompa 3730m/4 hours Day 10; Trek from Kyanjin Gompa to Rimche 2455m/6 hours Day 11; Trek from Rimche to Thulo Syabru 2210m/5 hours Day 12; Trek from Thulo Syabru to Thulo Barkhu 3 hours and drive back to Kathmandu 5 hours by private vehicle

The cost of the tour includes
Meeting at the hotel
Transportation to the hotel
Transportation costs
Entrance tickets
Food and drinks
Additional information
Book tour at least 7 days in advance
Tour suitable for children
Tour is suitable for the elderly

Important notes

We are open to change itinerary as per your schedule so feel free to contact us and provide your requirements. The prices may also vary according to the requirements you provide to us.